The Certificate Generator for your company

Relieve your HR department and create legally compliant job references quickly and easily. Involving managers and employees has never been so easy and ensures that references are handed over quickly.

Fast & Easy

Thanks to the simple operation, you can create high-quality and individual certificates in the shortest possible time.

Legally compliant & data protection compliant

Use over 7,000 legally tested text modules and benefit from our high data protection standards.

verlingo Zeugnisgenerator

Selection of our reference customers

Check24ShopwareTaxdooMedizinischer Dienst NiedersachenShop ApothekePrada GermanySparkasse NEABürgerAhorn HotelsLindtHornbachkoroRTL2Hochschule BremerhavenCheck24ShopwareTaxdooMedizinischer Dienst NiedersachenShop ApothekePrada GermanySparkasse NEABürgerAhorn HotelsLindtHornbachkoroRTL2Hochschule Bremerhaven
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Our proven certificate generator

Numerous companies already use our generator to create job references.

With our job reference generator, you save internal resources and create individual job references with legally compliant wording.

Proven legal certainty

Over 9,000 legally reviewed formulations. Always up-to-date with the latest legal decisions.

Mobile and flexible

Our certificate generator adapts to your circumstances. Use it anywhere and from any device.

Fully digitized

The entire process is digitalized. Only the signature must be handwritten according to German law.

verlingo job reference generator - The solution for small and large
The company|

The verlingo zeugnisgenerator accelerates the entire process and at the same time relieves the HR department. Thanks to a modern look and arrangement of elements, users immediately find their way around and can generate certificates quickly and easily.

Create new certificate
Certificates are initiated by the HR department or directly by employees and managers. You determine which people need to be involved and simply start your individual reference creation process.
Everything under control
The process progress of each certificate is displayed in an easy-to-understand way. This allows you to see at any time which certificates require action.
Keep the overview
You can see all statuses at a glance and can filter and search for the certificates that are relevant to you.
Thanks to individual workflows, you determine which people should be involved for each certificate. The certificate recipient, one or more managers, tasks & roles - you can decide flexibly
Dashboard - Homeview - Zeugnisgenerator
Predefined Workflows
You can easily access ready-made workflows to create certificates quickly and easily.
Create your own Workflow
Create the process according to your own requirements and involve as many process participants as you like.
Master data import
Employee data can be stored very easily. Master data is imported to automatically search for and fill in employee data.
Simple involvement
Process participants are involved in the process by entering e-mail addresses and receive an invitation e-mail.
Distribution of tasks
Determine exactly which process participant should take over which task.
Workflows auswählen - Zeugnisgenerator
Involve employees
It is possible to obtain a self-assessment from the employee as a basis for the evaluation. However, the final assessment is the responsibility of the manager or the relevant HR specialist. Employees are not informed of the grades on which the final formulations are based.
Data entry
Personal and professional details can also be entered directly by the employee concerned or by means of master data import.
You set which assessment criteria can be selected for assessment. In addition to the selectable grades, this also includes entire assessment categories
Performance and behavior are assessed using sliders.
The process can also be run in English at any time for employees and managers.
Overall impression
For your orientation, the overall impression is displayed at any time.
Selbsteinschätzung Mitarbeiteransicht
Everything in your design
You can finalize the content of the certificate in the certificate editor. The finished certificate is created directly on your letter template with your individual layout and is ready to print immediately.
Deposit data
Components such as the company description are stored once in the settings and automatically entered in the job references.
Full flexibility
Our certificate editor makes it easy to freely design the certificate text for individual changes.
Generate certificate
All information provided is used for the automatic creation of the employment reference.
Manual adjustment
Text formulations can be easily exchanged. You can also insert free text and make formatting changes directly in the certificate editor. Thanks to individual gender settings and your own text modules, it can be tailored to your organization's internal needs.
Zeugniseditor Bearbeitungsansicht

All functions at a glance

Benefit from an efficient preparation of qualified job references. Interim, internship and training certificates can also be easily created.

Legally compliant formulations

Use over 7,000 legally tested formulations & text modules.

Company profiles &

Easily store different company profiles and individual Word templates.

Professional &
Activity profiles

Easy deposit of professional and job profiles for quick creation.

Text module manager

Remain flexible at all times and store your own text modules.


Certificate editor 2.0

Intuitive text editor for full flexibility for individual text adaptations.


Individual workflows

Employees and supervisors are easily involved in the creation process via web access.


Free product updates

Benefit from regular & free updates.

Conversion of testimonies

Convert interim references into final job references with just one click.

Cloud & mobile

No setup effort. Immediate use also optimized for mobile.


Multilingual workflow including translation of the certificate in English.

Single sign-on (SSO)

If desired, each user can log in via single sign-on.

Intranet access

Employees and supervisors can request the job reference themselves.

Multi-client capability

Professions, activities, departments, work locations, layouts, etc. can be set company/location-specific.


Master data import

You can easily import your employees' master data and transfer it when creating certificates.

Career generator

Multiple positions and stations within a company can be mapped with just a few clicks.


Gender-sensitive language

You simply specify whether and in what form the job reference should be gendered.

Deletion and archiving concept

Created certificates are automatically archived or deleted after a set period of time.

Change tracking

Each activity of the process participants is documented in a traceable manner.

Approval process

Created testimonials may be submitted to any manager for approval at any time.


AI Proposals

With the help of our AI, job suggestions can be generated to match the job title.


Flexible valuation

You can determine how well or poorly managers can evaluate employees.

Selection of our reference customers

Willy BognerDeutsches Rotes KreuzHitachi SolutionsAlliance Automotive GroupTertiaKnappschaftklinikenUnibail-Rodamco-WestfieldVerbund-PflegehilfeSoftware AGHochlandTinkNiedereggerWilly BognerDeutsches Rotes KreuzHitachi SolutionsAlliance Automotive GroupTertiaKnappschaftklinikenUnibail-Rodamco-WestfieldVerbund-PflegehilfeSoftware AGHochlandTinkNiederegger

Why use a job reference generator?

Software solution for companies

In Germany, it is a legal requirement to write and hand out job references to (ex-) employees. In the process, more than 3 million job references are written every year, which means a great deal of work for the HR departments of companies of all sizes in the DACH region.

Due to the requirement to write benevolent, but also truthful certificates, the cloistered language of certificates comes into play. To ensure that all parties involved are satisfied, individual and, above all, legally compliant references must be created. Only in this way does the company not have to fear negative legal consequences.

Certificate generators speed up the process and thus significantly relieve the HR department and employees' supervisors. The guided process makes quick creation possible without knowledge of the certificate language. While a simple grade is assigned for the employee's skills and characteristics, legally tested formulations ensure that no unintentional assessments are made due to the certificate creator's ignorance.

The completely digital process enables employees, supervisors and HR managers to be involved in the creation of job references, regardless of location and without any coordination effort. Rapid preparation not only saves resources in the company, but also leads to satisfied employees and strengthens the company's employer branding even after a separation.

Prozess Arbeitszeugniserstellung
63.359Prepared job references
250+Satisfied corporate customers
100%Work facilitation

The innovative process of
verlingo job reference generator

Creating testimonials is teamwork

In verlingo zeugnisgenerator, various workflows are available for the creation of references. Employees can easily be integrated into the creation process. The master data and an individual job description can be entered by the employee and, if desired, a self-assessment can be made using sliders. Many personnel managers are unable to describe the activities performed by the employee themselves, or can only do so with great effort.

The supervisor is then automatically informed and can make adjustments and his or her performance appraisal. The HR manager takes over the generation of the certificate, makes final adjustments and sends the finished certificate.

In the process, employees relieve the burden on supervisors and HR staff and speed up the entire process. Employees receive their references more quickly and are informed of the current status at all times via a live status. Follow-up is no longer necessary for anyone involved.

Of course, job references can also be created directly without the involvement of supervisors and employees. Select the process that makes the most sense for the respective job reference individually. With employee and supervisor. Only with employee. Only with supervisors. Directly without third-party involvement.

Prozess Arbeitszeugniserstellung

Exemplary creation process with the involvement of the employee

Data protection DSGVO

The protection of personal data is our highest priority. We process personal data exclusively in accordance with the applicable legal provisions on data protection. Disclosure to third parties and misuse for other purposes is excluded. We take far-reaching and comprehensive data protection measures to protect personal data.

We conclude a data processing agreement (DPA) with all our customers.

SSL encryption
All transmissions take place exclusively via secured HTTPS protocol.
Database encryption
All personal data is encrypted using AES-256 bit in our database. Access to the database is strictly controlled.
Server location Germany
The processing of personal data takes place exclusively on servers in Germany.

Job references in Germany

Writing job references means a lot of effort for companies

The legal requirement for a truthful and benevolent assessment of employees in qualified job references brings with it many challenges. In order to resolve the often existing contradiction between benevolent and truthful, a technical language, the so-called reference language, has developed.

This is a form of technical jargon in which the phrases contain hidden messages and notes. Everyone knows formulations such as "to the fullest satisfaction" or "always endeavored". Since many other formulations and rules exist, persons who are to write job references need an appropriate specialized knowledge of the reference language.

This cannot be guaranteed in all companies in Germany; qualified personnel is rare and corresponding further training is expensive. Behind each formulation, which is made by creators without expertise, lurks the danger that unintentionally negative assessments of the employee are made. The lack of essential information can also convey negative messages. In the worst case, it can lead to a legal dispute.

A few years ago, it was published that thousands of legal disputes are fought out every year before German labor courts because of job references. Legally tested text modules ensure that the formulations correspond to the desired assessments.

Millions of job references

Each year, employers must produce millions of credentials.

Knowledge of the certificate language

Preparers need the expertise in certificate language.

Numerous legal disputes

Thousands of proceedings before German labor courts every year.

Advantages of the job reference generator for companies

No know-how of the certificate language necessary

Automatic creation thanks to over 7,000 legally tested text modules

Text module manager

Easily store individual text modules for all categories and notes

Self-assessment by employees possible

The employee stores his data & activities as well as grades for individual categories

Involve superiors

Supervisors review the self-assessment and/or provide an evaluation of the employee

Full control for personnel managers

Employees & supervisors are involved without being created as users. Protected access only for the respective certificate

Easy adjustment of the notes

Thanks to guided process and intuitive sliders

Saving resources

Expensive training and time-consuming integration of specialists are eliminated

Optimized for Mobile

Thanks to the responsive design in the cloud, all participants can also collaborate on the go

Master data import & interfaces

Employee data can be imported or retrieved via an interface.

Text module manager

Easily store individual text modules for all categories and grades

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