API documentation TalentScout

Information about the integration of the Exposé Generator.
With verlingo TalentScout you can quickly & easily create high-quality candidate profiles and share them with your customers as interactive web profiles.

Booth: 10/22


Each user of our API receives individual access data. If you are interested in integrating our service, please send us a short email to info@verlingo.de

API key

You simply specify these credentials as the API key via HTTP Authorization header.

HTTP-VERB: ("Authorization", IHR_API key)

HTTP Status-Codes

Below is a list of the most important HTTP status codes that the verlingo API outputs and how you can interpret them. In general, 200s codes stand for a successful request, 400s for an error in the request data (for example, a mandatory parameter is missing) and 500s for an error on our servers.

200 OKA successful request
400 Bad RequestIs usually due to a syntax error in the request body
401 UnauthorizedIncorrect or missing authentication
404 Not FoundThe resource could not be found
406 Not AcceptableThe format of the request is not supported
417 Expectation FailedThe transmitted file is not a certificate or the certificate could not be analyzed
500, 502, 503 Server ErrorServer error. Repeat the request after a short time and contact us if the error occurs permanently

Create candidates (import)

New candidates can be imported in two ways:

  • on the basis of submitted documents (application documents or similar)
  • using structured data

Import by means of documents

POST https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/import/bydocuments
Please note: As format we use JSON, this must be specified by means of the header content type (application/json).
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


    "Dokuments": [
			"format": "pdf",
			"doc": "base64"
			"format": "jpeg",
			"doc": "base64"
    "Config": {
		"VisibleToAllUsers": boolean (optional)
	"ExternalInfos": {
		"CandidateId": "candidateId (optional)",
		"UserId": "userId (optional)",
		"CustomerId": "customerId (optional)",
		"Additional": {
			Optional custom information as JSON

The size of the files per request must not exceed 20 MB must not exceed. In addition, the files must be stored in a Base64 encoded string and be UTF-8 encoded.

We accept the formats PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG

The 'ExternalInfos' attribute is optional and is used to store external information about the candidate.

Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

  "message": "Success",
  "CandidateId": "candidateId",
  "OverviewLink": "overviewLink",
  "EditLink": "editLink",
  "VariantId": "variantId",
  "VariantName": "variantName"

Import via JSON

POST https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/import/byjson
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


    "CandidateData": {
        "person": {
            "name": {
                "given": "Marilena",
                "family": "Mustermann",
                "formattedName": "Marilena Mustermann",
                "preferredSalutationCode": "Frau" or "Herr" or ""
            "nationality": "German",
            "maritalStatus": "single",
            "birthDate": "birthDate (any format)",
            "age": "32",
            "placeOfBirth": "Berlin",
            "picture": {
                "imageB64": "base64",
                "format": "jpeg"
            "email": "marilena@email.de",
            "phone": "+49 162 9876543",
            "address": {
                "line": "Bödekerstraße 77",
                "postalCode": "22506",
                "city": "Hamburg",
                "countryCode": "DE",
                "country": "Germany",
                "formattedAddress": "Bödekerstraße 77 22506 Hamburg Germany"
            "summary": "Personal",
            "personalNumber": "Personnel number"
        "job": {
            "jobTitle": "Job title",
            "jobReferenceNumber": "Reference number"
        "employment": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "sidejobs": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "internships": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "education": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "study": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "apprenticeship": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "schooling": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "betterment": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "skills": [
                "name": "name",
                "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
                "description": "Subcategory1",
                "content": [
                        "name": "name",
                        "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
        "languages": [
                "language": "language",
                "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
        "interests": [
                "name": "name"
        "certificates": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "rating": 1 - 6
        "employmentInfo": {
            "earliestStart": "Available from",
            "desiredSalary": "Income presentation",
            "grouping": "Grouping tariff",
            "costRate": "Settlement rate",
            "provision": "Agency commission",
            "additionalInfo": "More information",
            "fixum": "Fixum",
            "variableSalary": "Variable salary",
            "companyVehicle": "Company car desired",
            "noticePeriod": "Notice period",
            "move": "Relocation readiness",
            "travel": "Willingness to travel",
            "competion": "Competition clause",
            "motivationToChange": "Motivation to change"
        "contactPersons": {
            "name": "name",
            "email": "email",
            "phone": "phone",
            "avatar": {
                "format": "JPEG",
                "imageB64": "base64"
        "additionalInfos": "Supplementary information"
    "Config": {
        "VisibleToAllUsers": boolean (optional)
    "ExternalInfos": {
        "CandidateId": "candidateId (optional)",
        "UserId": "userId (optional)",
        "CustomerId": "customerId (optional)",
        "Additional": {
            Optional custom information as JSON

The 'ExternalInfos' attribute is optional and is used to store external information about the candidate.

Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

  "message": "Success",
  "CandidateId": "candidateId",
  "OverviewLink": "overviewLink",
  "EditLink": "editLink",
  "VariantId": "variantId",
  "VariantName": "variantName"

Update candidates

Candidates can be updated in two ways:

  • on the basis of submitted documents (application documents or similar)
  • using structured data (JSON)

Update by means of documents

PUT https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/update/bydocuments
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


    "CandidateId": "candidateId",
	"Documents": [		(optional)
			"format": "pdf",
			"doc": "base64"
			"format": "jpeg",
			"doc": "base64"
	"Config": {
		"VisibleToAllUsers": boolean (optional)
	"ExternalInfos": {
		"CandidateId": "candidateId (optional)",
		"UserId": "userId (optional)",
		"CustomerId": "customerId (optional)",
		"Additional": {
			Optional custom information as JSON

The size of the files per request must not exceed 20 MB must not exceed. In addition, the files must be stored in a Base64 encoded string and be UTF-8 encoded.

We accept the formats PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG

The 'ExternalInfos' attribute is optional and is used to update external information about the candidate.

A new variant is created in the candidate with the information from the documents.

Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

    "CandidateId": "candidateId",
    "OverviewLink": "overviewLink",
	"Variants": [
			"VariantId": "variantId",
			"VariantName": "variantName",
			"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
			"EditLink": "editLink",
			"Sharelinks": [
					"SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
					"CandidateId": "candidateId",
					"VariantId": "variantId",
					"VariantName": "variantName",
					"Customer": "customer",
					"Active": boolean,
					"ContactFormMandatory": boolean,
					"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
					"CustomerLink": "customerLink",
					"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"Feedback": [
							"Type": "viewed" or "liked" or "disliked" or "question",
							"Name": "name",
							"Company": "company",
							"Phone": "phone",
							"Email": "email",
							"Question": "question",
							"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"
	"VisibleToAllUsers": boolean,
	"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
	"Status": "status",
	"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"

Update using JSON

PUT https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/update/byjson
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


    "CandidateId": "candidateId",
    "CandidateData": {		(optional)
        "person": {
            "name": {
                "given": "Marilena",
                "family": "Mustermann",
                "formattedName": "Marilena Mustermann",
                "preferredSalutationCode": "Frau" or "Herr" or ""
            "nationality": "German",
            "maritalStatus": "single",
            "birthDate": "birthDate (any format)",
            "age": "32",
            "placeOfBirth": "Berlin",
            "picture": {
                "imageB64": "base64",
                "format": "jpeg"
            "email": "marilena@email.de",
            "phone": "+49 162 9876543",
            "address": {
                "line": "Bödekerstraße 77",
                "postalCode": "22506",
                "city": "Hamburg",
                "countryCode": "DE",
                "country": "Germany",
                "formattedAddress": "Bödekerstraße 77 22506 Hamburg Germany"
            "summary": "Personal",
            "personalNumber": "Personnel number"
        "job": {
            "jobTitle": "Job title",
            "jobReferenceNumber": "Reference number"
        "employment": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "sidejobs": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "internships": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "education": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "study": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "apprenticeship": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "schooling": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "betterment": [
                "institution": {
                    "name": "name"
                "location": {
                    "city": "city"
                "area": "area",
                "studyType": "studyType",
                "start": "start",
                "end": "end",
                "graduation": "graduation",
                "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                "info": "info",
                "assignments": [
        "skills": [
                "name": "name",
                "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
                "description": "Subcategory1",
                "content": [
                        "name": "name",
                        "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
        "languages": [
                "language": "language",
                "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
        "interests": [
                "name": "name"
        "certificates": [
                "organization": {
                    "name": "name"
                "title": "title",
                "rating": 1 - 6
        "employmentInfo": {
            "earliestStart": "Available from",
            "desiredSalary": "Income presentation",
            "grouping": "Grouping tariff",
            "costRate": "Settlement rate",
            "provision": "Agency commission",
            "additionalInfo": "More information",
            "fixum": "Fixum",
            "variableSalary": "Variable salary",
            "companyVehicle": "Company car desired",
            "noticePeriod": "Notice period",
            "move": "Relocation readiness",
            "travel": "Willingness to travel",
            "competion": "Competition clause",
            "motivationToChange": "Motivation to change"
        "contactPersons": {
            "name": "name",
            "email": "email",
            "phone": "phone",
            "avatar": {
                "format": "JPEG",
                "imageB64": "base64"
        "additionalInfos": "Supplementary information"
    "Config": {
        "VisibleToAllUsers": boolean (optional)
    "ExternalInfos": {
        "CandidateId": "candidateId (optional)",
        "UserId": "userId (optional)",
        "CustomerId": "customerId (optional)",
        "Additional": {
            Optional custom information as JSON

The 'ExternalInfos' attribute is optional and is used to update external information about the candidate.

A new variant is created in the candidate with the information from the "CandidateData" attribute.

Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

  	"CandidateId": "candidateId",
    "OverviewLink": "overviewLink",
	"Variants": [
			"VariantId": "variantId",
			"VariantName": "variantName",
			"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
			"EditLink": "editLink",
			"Sharelinks": [
					"SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
					"CandidateId": "candidateId",
					"VariantId": "variantId",
                    "VariantName": "variantName",
					"Customer": "customer",
					"Active": boolean,
					"ContactFormMandatory": boolean,
					"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
					"CustomerLink": "customerLink",
					"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"Feedback": [
							"Type": "viewed" or "liked" or "disliked" or "question",
							"Name": "name",
							"Company": "company",
							"Phone": "phone",
							"Email": "email",
							"Question": "question",
							"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"
	"VisibleToAllUsers": boolean,
	"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
	"Status": "status",
	"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"

Query candidates

GET https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


  "CandidateId": "candidateId"
Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

  	"CandidateId": "candidateId",
    "OverviewLink": "overviewLink",
	"Variants": [
			"VariantId": "variantId",
			"VariantName": "variantName",
			"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
			"EditLink": "editLink",
			"Sharelinks": [
					"SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
					"CandidateId": "candidateId",
					"VariantId": "variantId",
                    "VariantName": "variantName",
					"Customer": "customer",
					"Active": boolean,
					"ContactFormMandatory": boolean,
					"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
					"CustomerLink": "customerLink",
					"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"Feedback": [
							"Type": "viewed" or "liked" or "disliked" or "question",
							"Name": "name",
							"Company": "company",
							"Phone": "phone",
							"Email": "email",
							"Question": "question",
							"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"
	"VisibleToAllUsers": boolean,
	"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
	"Status": "status",
	"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"

Search candidates

GET https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/search
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


	"Page": int (optional),
	"Limit": int (optional),
	"ExternalInfos": {
		"CandidateId": "candidateId (optional)",
		"UserId": "userId (optional)",
		"CustomerId": "customerId (optional)"

If you specify more than one ExternalInfos, they will be linked with AND in the search.

Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

	" docs": [
			"CandidateId": "candidateId",
			"GivenName": "givenName",
			"FamilyName": "familyName",
			"VisibleToAllUsers": boolean,
			"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
			"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
			"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"
	"total": 6,
	"limit": 3,
	"page": 1,
	"pages": 2

Export candidates

GET https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/export
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


  "CandidateId": "candidateId"
  "ExportAttachments": boolean
Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

    "CandidateId": "candidateId",
    "Variants": [
            "meta": {
                "profileId": "variantId",
                "creationDate": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
                "profileVariant": "variantName"
            "person": {
                "name": {
                    "given": "Marilena",
                    "family": "Mustermann",
                    "formattedName": "Marilena Mustermann",
                    "preferredSalutationCode": "Frau" or "Herr" or ""
                "nationality": "German",
                "maritalStatus": "ledig",
                "birthDate": "birthDate (any format)",
                "age": "32",
                "placeOfBirth": "Berlin",
                "picture": {
                    "imageB64": "base64",
                    "format": "jpeg"
                "email": "marilena@email.de",
                "phone": "+49 162 9876543",
                "address": {
                    "line": "Bödekerstraße 77",
                    "postalCode": "22506",
                    "city": "Hamburg",
                    "countryCode": "DE",
                    "country": "Germany",
                    "formattedAddress": "Bödekerstraße 77 22506 Hamburg Germany"
                "summary": "Personal",
                "personalNumber": "Personnel number"
            "job": {
                "jobTitle": "Job title",
                "jobReferenceNumber": "Reference number"
            "employment": [
                    "organization": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "title": "title",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "sidejobs": [
                    "organization": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "title": "title",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "internships": [
                    "organization": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "title": "title",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "education": [
                    "institution": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "area": "area",
                    "studyType": "studyType",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "graduation": "graduation",
                    "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "study": [
                    "institution": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "area": "area",
                    "studyType": "studyType",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "graduation": "graduation",
                    "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "apprenticeship": [
                    "institution": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "area": "area",
                    "studyType": "studyType",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "graduation": "graduation",
                    "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "schooling": [
                    "institution": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "area": "area",
                    "studyType": "studyType",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "graduation": "graduation",
                    "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "betterment": [
                    "institution": {
                        "name": "name"
                    "location": {
                        "city": "city"
                    "area": "area",
                    "studyType": "studyType",
                    "start": "start",
                    "end": "end",
                    "graduation": "graduation",
                    "graduationGrade": "graduationGrade",
                    "info": "info",
                    "assignments": [
            "skills": [
                    "name": "name",
                    "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
                    "description": "Subcategory1",
                    "content": [
                            "name": "name",
                            "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
            "languages": [
                    "language": "language",
                    "level": 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5
            "interests": [
                    "name": "name"
            "certificates": [
                    "organization": {
                        "name": "name"
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Delete candidates

DELETE https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


  "CandidateId": "candidateId"
Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

  "message": "Candidate successfully deleted."

Delete Exposé Variant

DELETE https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/variants
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


  "CandidateId": "candidateId"
  "VariantId": "variantId"
Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

  "message": "Variant and related sharelinks successfully deleted."

Update variant

Exposé variants can be updated in the following ways:

  • on the basis of submitted documents (application documents or similar)

Update by means of documents

PUT https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/candidates/variants/update/bydocuments
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


	"CandidateId": "candidateId",
	"Documents": [
			"format": "pdf",
			"doc": "base64"
			"format": "jpeg",
			"doc": "base64"
	"VariantId": "variantId"

The size of the files per request must not exceed 20 MB must not exceed. In addition, the files must be stored in a Base64 encoded string and be UTF-8 encoded.

We accept the formats PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG

The corresponding variant is supplemented with the extracted information from the documents, the original data is not overwritten.

Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

	"CandidateId": "candidateId",
    "OverviewLink": "overviewLink",
	"Variants": [
			"VariantId": "variantId",
			"VariantName": "variantName",
			"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
			"EditLink": "editLink",
			"Sharelinks": [
					"SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
					"CandidateId": "candidateId",
					"VariantId": "variantId",
                    "VariantName": "variantName",
					"Customer": "customer",
					"Active": boolean,
					"ContactFormMandatory": boolean,
					"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
					"CustomerLink": "customerLink",
					"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
					"Feedback": [
							"Type": "viewed" or "liked" or "disliked" or "question",
							"Name": "name",
							"Company": "company",
							"Phone": "phone",
							"Email": "email",
							"Question": "question",
							"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"
	"VisibleToAllUsers": boolean,
	"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
	"Status": "status",
	"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"


Create Exposé Link (Sharelink)

POST https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/sharelinks
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


    "CandidateId": "candidateId",
	"VariantId": "variantId",
    "Customer": "customer",
	"Config": {
		"ContactFormMandatory": boolean (optional)
	"ExternalInfos": {
		"CandidateId": "candidateId (optional)",
		"UserId": "userId (optional)",
		"CustomerId": "customerId (optional)",
		"Additional": {
			Optional custom information as JSON

The 'ExternalInfos' attribute is optional and is used to store external information about the sharelink.

Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

    "SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
	"CandidateId": "candidateId",
	"VariantId": "variantId",
    "VariantName": "variantName",
    "Customer": "customer",
	"Active": boolean,
	"ContactFormMandatory": boolean,
	"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
	"CustomerLink": "customerLink",
	"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"

Get Exposé Link (Sharelink)

GET https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/sharelinks
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


    "SharelinkId": "sharelinkId"
Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

    "SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
	"CandidateId": "candidateId",
	"VariantId": "variantId",
    "VariantName": "variantName",
	"Customer": "customer",
	"Active": boolean,
	"ContactFormMandatory": boolean,
	"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
	"CustomerLink": "customerLink",
	"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"Feedback": [
			"Type": "viewed" or "liked" or "disliked" or "question",
			"Name": "name",
			"Company": "company",
			"Phone": "phone",
			"Email": "email",
			"Question": "question",
			"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"

The feedback from the customer to the candidate is sorted from New to Old and the attributes depend on the type and configuration.

Update exposé link (sharelink)

PUT https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/sharelinks
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


    "SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
	"Customer": "customer",
	"Config": {
		"ContactFormMandatory": boolean (optional),
		"Active": boolean (optional)
	"ExternalInfos": {
		"CandidateId": "candidateId (optional)",
		"UserId": "userId (optional)",
		"CustomerId": "customerId (optional)",
		"Additional": {
			Optional custom information as JSON
Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

    "SharelinkId": "sharelinkId",
	"CandidateId": "candidateId",
	"VariantId": "variantId",
    "VariantName": "variantName",
	"Customer": "customer",
	"Active": boolean,
	"ContactFormMandatory": boolean,
	"ExternalInfos": externalInfos,
	"CustomerLink": "customerLink",
	"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"UpdatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z",
	"Feedback": [
			"Type": "viewed" or "liked" or "disliked" or "question",
			"Name": "name",
			"Company": "company",
			"Phone": "phone",
			"Email": "email",
			"Question": "question",
			"CreatedAt": "2021-01-01T14:28:23.234Z"

The feedback from the customer to the candidate is sorted from New to Old and the attributes depend on the type and configuration.

Delete Exposé Link (Sharelink)

DELETE https://recruiting.verlingo.de/api/talentscout/v1/sharelinks
Request / Inquiry


"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key


  "SharelinkId": "sharelinkId"
Response / Answer

You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.

  "message": "Sharelink successfully deleted."