The verlingo ZeugnisParser API is designed according to the principles of REST set up. Several endpoints are available:
All accesses take place via HTTPS.
Information about the integration of ZeugnisParser for the automatic analysis of job references.
Booth: 05/21The verlingo ZeugnisParser API is designed according to the principles of REST set up. Several endpoints are available:
All accesses take place via HTTPS.
Each user of our API receives individual access data. If you are interested in integrating our service, please send us a short email to
You simply specify these credentials as the API key via HTTP Authorization header.
Below is a list of the most important HTTP status codes that the verlingo API outputs and how you can interpret them. In general, 200s codes stand for a successful request, 400s for an error in the request data (for example, a mandatory parameter is missing) and 500s for an error on our servers.
Code | Meaning |
200 OK | A successful request |
400 Bad Request | Is usually due to a syntax error in the request body |
401 Unauthorized | Incorrect or missing authentication |
404 Not Found | The resource could not be found |
406 Not Acceptable | The format of the request is not supported |
417 Expectation Failed | The transmitted file could not be analyzed |
500, 502, 503 Server Error | Server error. Repeat the request after a short time and contact us if the error occurs permanently |
A sample analysis is available under the test endpoint below:
The test endpoint can be addressed directly without an authorization header and without a special request body and returns a sample response without actually going through the analysis process.
"Content-Type": "application/json"
"Accept": "application/json"
"Authorization": IHR_API key
"DoAnalysis": {
"Zeugnis": ["Base64(datei1)", "Base64(datei2)", …],
"Format": "PDF" | "JPG" | "JPEG" | "PNG"
"Dokument": "true" | "false"
The size of the files per request must not exceed 10 MB must not exceed. In addition, the files must be stored in a Base64 encoded string and be UTF-8 encoded.
We accept the formats PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG
Determines whether the images and the analyzed document structure (page, text position, sentences, etc.) of the documents should be returned (default: false).
You will always receive a response from our API in JSON format and HTTP status code 200 on a successful response.
"Zeugnisanalysen": [{
"Result": "SUCCESS or WARNING or ERROR",
"Message": "message",
"Gesamtnote": 2.2,
"GesamtnoteLeistungbeurteilung": 1.9,
"GesamtnoteVerhalten": 1.7,
"GesamtnoteSchlussformulierung": 1.5,
"GesamtnoteProOberkategorie": [{
"Bezeichnung": "designation",
"Info": "info",
"Gesamtnote": 2
}, {
"Bezeichnung": "designation",
"Info": "info",
"Gesamtnote": 1.8
}, …
"Vorname": "Max",
"Nachname": "Mustermann",
"Inhaber": "Max Mustermann",
"Geburtsdatum": "yyyy-MM-dd",
"Alter": 29,
"Firma": "Firma AG",
"Berufsbezeichnung": "job title",
"Beschaeftigungsbeginn": "yyyy-MM-dd",
"Beschaeftigungsende": "yyyy-MM-dd",
"BeschaeftigungsdauerInMonaten": 34,
"Zeugnisart": "testimonial type",
"Seitenanzahl": 1,
"Zeichenanzahl": 2522,
"Wortanzahl": 241,
"Zeugnislaenge": "Zu kurz oder Gut oder Zu lang",
"Creationdate": "yyyy-MM-dd",
"Taetigkeiten": [
"Auffaelligkeiten": [{
"Beschreibung": "beschreibung",
"Details": ["details1", "details2", …],
"Hinweis": "hinweis",
"Schweregrad": "leicht or mittel or schwer"
}, …
"UnterdurchschnittlicheSaetze": [{
"Satz": "Mr. Mustermann has a solid technical knowledge, which he used successfully to accomplish his tasks.",
"Kategorie": "Expertise",
"Note": "3",
"Seite": 1,
"Paragraph": 17,
"IndexInParagraph": 0
}, …
"FehlendeKategorien": [{
"Bezeichnung": "Work Ability & Resilience",
"Kuerzel": "BELAS"
}, …
"Zeugnisaufteilung": [{
"Zeugniselement": "name",
"Anteil": 0.15
}, …
"StandortImDokument": [
}, …
"GesamtnoteAggregiert": 2.1,
"GesamtnoteLeistungbeurteilungAggregiert": 2.3,
"GesamtnoteVerhaltenAggregiert": 2.1,
"GesamtnoteSchlussformulierungAggregiert": 1.8,
If you have set the "Document" property to "true", the response will be completed as follows:
"Zeugnisanalysen": [
"Dokument": {
"Pages": [
"PageNr": 1,
"Images": [
"Image": "Base64Image",
"Format": "jpg"
"Paragraphs": [
"Page": 1,
"Index": 0,
"Content": "content",
"X": 1011,
"Y": 570,
"Xendpoint": 1476,
"Yendpoint": 662,
"W": 465,
"H": 92,
"Sentences": [
"Page": 1,
"ParagraphIndex": 0,
"Index": 0,
"Content": "content",
"Rating": 0,
"Category": "category",
"IsConfident": true or false
}, …
Under the following endpoint, the current credits can be retrieved:
The endpoint must be addressed with the authentication described above, but without a request body, and returns in response:
"CurrentCredits": 1500